close the sim
IMPORTANT!! open our “Navigraph Navdata Installer” and remove the installed AIRAC cycle
make sure, that you have installed the latest “Navigraph Navdata Installer”, when not uninstall the Installer (via the normal Windows10 functionality “Add or remove programs”) and install the newest one - you can download the newest installer from here
delete the content.xml file - depending on your installation (Steam or Marketplace) you find here the corresponding folder, where this file is located
start the sim
close the sim again
start our “Navigraph Navdata client” and install the AIRAC cycle again
start the sim and enjoy your flights
Hallo Richard
Dann können wir ja zusammen in Deutsch weiter schreiben?
Mit Navigraph Navdata installer meinst du den Navigraph FMS DATA Manager
Gruss Stef