GNS 530 navdata is still showing expired after manual and automatic update

Unable to update GNS 530 using FMS data manager. Tried updating using the automatic method and manual method downloading the files from navigraph site and installing directly. I don’t think the GNS 530 in the EC-135 in X-Plane 11 is receiving the update. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.



This product is not on our support list, so we don’t know if the EC-135 uses the X-Plane 11 default data or how it is updated. Best to ask the developers of the product.


Ok, but it didn’t update any of the other databases for other aircrafts as well.

Please advise which addons are not being updated.

Using Guide to posting Screenshots,

Please post screenshots of FMS Data Manager Settings page showing version number and X-Plane path:

Please confirm this is the path of your X-Plane.exe

Please post screenshots of FMS Data Manager Addon Mappings page(s) showing all addons.


NG version
NG path


As above,


Verified X-Plane 11 application is on my C: Drive and see attachments for FMS data manager Addon mappings.

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