Hi I have the most recent database 2407 updated running the FS Labs A320 in P3Dv5. I have no problem loading SIDs or STARs but every time I try to select an initial approach fix the only option that appears is “No VIA” even if I try to select a new runway or approach after initializing the flight plan. Am I doing something wrong or does anyone else have this problem?
Welcome at Navigraph …
Do you have an example for us, that we can try to reproduce?
Thank you
If I select ILS26R at KATL there should be an IAF called HAINZ or ZELOW and I see both but when I load a STAR like CHPPR1 then the only fix available is NO VIA, however if I select NO STAR on the arrival page then the fixes are shown.
… but why do you think, that the CHPPR1 has this two IAFs? According the charts this arrival has no HAINZ or ZELOW waypoint.
When you don’t select a STAR it’s clear that you see all VIAs because you haven’t told the FMC which STAR you want to use …
So, please can you post the chart for this CHPPR1 arrival, where we see the IAFs HAINZ and ZELOW?
Thank you
… additional to my posting before, I assume you mean the ILS 26R but also here, there is only one IAF called ZELOW.
It does not appear on the chart.
So what you’re saying is that I cannot select the one of the VIA fixes unless is connects to the STAR? Maybe that’s a unique feature for FSLabs because I don’t have these problems with any other addon but I will ask them more about it.
Correction: ZELOW is in the lower right
As I have written before, ZELOW is an IAF for ILS26R. All STARs end at a vector so there is no real “connection” between a STAR and the ILS - thats not FSLabs specific you see this also on the charts.
So, when you select the ILS26R you will see the ZELOW waypoint as a first waypoint but the STARs end with a vector …
I can’t see what should be missed …
This is actually FSLabs specific because I didn’t have this problem with the Aerosoft A320 or any PMDG products, however I found that the fixes do show up when they are identical to the last waypoint on the STAR I just had to fly to a different airport to realize that. You can close the ticket now.
Ok, I will check it in the PMDG because also here, you should get a “DISCON” in the FMC which must removed manually between the STAR and the approach due the vector on the STAR.
Just because a STAR ends in vectors should not prevent the selection of approach transitions, I’m not sure what you’re going on about Richard, it doesn’t seem to make much sense IMO.
For example let’s say you arrive at EDDF via EMPAX, EMPAX 5D arrival followed by the ILS Z for runway 07L.
EXPAX 5D ends at DF444 followed by vectors.
Meanwhile the ILS Z for runway 07L can start at either DF470 (“final” or in the case of Airbus, NO VIA) or one of TAU and DF454 (the approach transitions or Airbus VIAS).
A quick look at the charts (10-2J resp. 11-12 for EDDF) suggests (notwithstanding other instructions provided by ATC) the DF454 approach transition/VIA should be selected (among other options, ATC might then give you a direct DF454, or DF453 which are both part of the transition and come before DF470).
But with the above behavior in the FSLabs (transcribed from KATL to EDDF), before selecting the STAR, DF454 and TAU would be available for selection but suddenly after selecting EMPAX 5D only NO VIA would be available (unable to select DF454 as a VIA).
So there might be a bug somewhere (but if there is, given it appears to be a selection logic bug, much more likely to come from FSlabs code that the navigation database itself). Still your posts suggest this is normal behavior, and that seems unlikely to me.
@jwill919 did you ask FSLabs suppoprt about it? They’re much more likely to know what’s going on, I would say.
the coding internally is completely different from your EDDF example, even it looks the same for you, but feel free to contact the FSLabs devs to this issue, I’m pretty sure you get a correct answer.
I was just going by the behavior I would expect using any Airbus (I do not have P3D or the FSLabs), and I have no knowledge of the internals of the FSLabs dabatase (or how much logic is in the database vs. the FSLabs software).
Just looking at the charts, 10-2 and 11-13 at KATL, it seemingly makes sense that a “typical” VIA for CHPPR1 going into ILS 26R would be ZELOW, so ZELOW being unavailable as an approach transition when CHPPR1 is selected still does not make sense from a user/pilot perspective
@Rodeo314 I haven’t heard back from them yet
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