In MSFS2024 a lot of SID/STARS are unflyable since GPS coordinates for fixes are inserted in the MCDU as N0/E0. This makes waypoint to be thousand miles away.
For example all the MC waypoints for the RIXU3G arrival in LIMC are not inserted correctly. I know this has something to do with issues between the SIM and Navigraph but wondering if a fix has been identified. Also prioritizing the load priority adding the A in front of the scenery folder does not work
I remember reading on this forum there there was an issue regarding priority of packages and issues needed to be resolved. I was not blaming anyone but as a (happy) paying costumer for the last 8 years I was wondering if a workaround or solution was about to be found. I only fly airbus airliners in the new sim which because of this issue are pretty much not usable for many airports I fly from/to.
Hi again Matteo,
no, no - I don´t have understood this as blaming us or any other dev. I only want to understand, the background or your analyzes … so all is good.
Back to your topic:
Such issues has normally nothing todo with the loading orders of the packages (= priorities). The question from my previous mail is still valid:
*) does this happen with none Inibuild aircrafts too?
*) when you search such waypoint on the WorldMap or the in-game EFB - do you see the coordinates or not, means are they also N0/E0?
That is the point.
All MC points for LIMC including INLER (IF for the ILS) do not exist in the EFB. They are loaded into the flight plan with GPS 0/0 and if I try to delete them and insert again systems responds that waypoint does not exist. This is why I’m suspecting that all inibuilds aircrafts do not use the Navigraph database
*) does this happen with none Inibuild aircrafts too? YES 1st party
*) when you search such waypoint on the WorldMap or the in-game EFB - do you see the coordinates or not, means are they also N0/E0? Looks like they do not exist in the EFB