Hi Mike,
As I previously advised:
The list of AIRAC release dates and versions are here . Please note:
We release new Navdata according to the AIRAC cycle which is numbered YYNN (where YY is the two last digits of the year and NN is the cycle number). A cycle is 28 days, thus there are 13 cycles in a year.
So AIRAC 2201 was released 27 Jan 22 around 0700Z and is the current version. You show this as downloaded in your screenshot.
Some time ago, there was an issue with ZIBO and OUT OF DATE message, which was fixed in a later version. Make sure you have the latest ZIBO version installed.
Also regarding OUT OF DATE message in FMC, please see para 3 of FAQ - Nav Data Out Of Date.
Zibo IDENT page should show: