Thank you for you assistance in this matter, however it is not working. Additionally, I downloaded and installed NavData Center, and I am receiving an error that there are no simulators detected. I am currently running Xplane 11 (latest version)
Goodday I hav exactly the same problemms, after installing FMS Data manager login details are wrong.
Details: OS: Windows 11, Simulator MSFS2020. I tried all the solutions, didn’t work.
From te log file: [2023-03-29 14:22:51][6][1] - CInitializer::onUserInitializeFailed [D:\Development\Repositories\Navigraph\fmsdata-manager\NGFMSClient\cinitializer.cpp:115]: {
“error”: “Access token was not found.”
On my Windows11 P3D installation the FMS data manager is running ok with the same navigraph account, on a client PC with W7 again no problemms with the FMS data manager.
FMS Data manager on every computer version
hi! I used Navigraph in the past (2022) and am relearning it since all the changes. I’m also flying mostly the FBW A320. I’m about to begin researching an article for PC Pilot magazine and could use an inside source for questions about integration with charts and flight planning in particular especially with all the changes. Would someone be available for some correspondence?