FF A320 Nav data goes back to default data after updating

My Flight Factor A320 FMS nav data shows the default nav data when I load the airplane in X-plane 12. However in the Data Manager, it says my nav data is up to date with AIRAC cycle 2305 rev1. How come it doesn’t say 2305 in the simulator? Any help is greatly appreciated!

and welcome at Navigraph.

It seems that you have installed the FF data into the wrong folder/directory.

Here are a few questions:

  • What is you XP12 root folder?
  • Where is the FF installed (exact path please)?
  • Have you set the FF manually in the FMS Data Manager?


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Thank you for getting back to me! As for the 1st question, I’m not exactly sure what you are asking of me? As for the 2nd question, I have attached a picture showing the exact path of where the FF A320 is installed. For the 3rd question, I went to the addon mappings page, clicked on “add” and then I clicked on the option that says “please select an addon” and located “FlightFactor A320Ultimate” in the drop down menu, then I clicked on “install into” and clicked on “X-plane 12.” I hope these answers help, if not or if there are any other questions, please let me know.

Best Regards,


I did set the FF a320 manually in the data manager.


Hi Matthew,
I have discovered, that you don´t have the default standard path from FF, because when you open the downloaded ZIP file you have two folder in it:


So, when you move the two folder into your <XP12-root folder> you see following result in the Aircraft folder:

In your screenshot, you have an additional Folder in the Aircraft folder, called Flightfactor … therefore the automapping doesn´t work, and also the manual auto mapping not …

You should “Remove” the entry, “Save” it - close the FMS Data Manager and re-open it.

Than, go to “Addon Mappings” → “+ Add” → select “User Defined Folder” and browse to (in your case):
S:\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\Flightfactor\Airbus-A320-Ultimate-12-extended

Press “Save” → close the FMS Data Manager → re-open it and update the FF320 dataset

Start XP12, select the FFA320 and you will see, that the data is up to date.



Thank you for your help! I updated the data manager with the new path way. My current AIRAC cycle is 2305 rev 1 and that shows in the addon list page of the data manager. However, when I load the FF A320 in the simulator, after having changed the addon mapping for the addon it still shows the default NAV data, which is 1702. I can buy a new subscription to navigraph and update all addons and the FF A320 will show the updated navdata, until FF releases an update for the aircraft and I update it. For whatever reason, after I update the aircraft the NAV data reverts back to its default NAV data even though the data manager shows it is updated to the last AIRAC cycle I had, this is the problem that I have been experiencing. I am concerned that once I go to update the aircraft, in the future, it will do the same thing again and I will have to buy another subscription to update the NAV data of the airplane once again.


My response is above ^

Hi Matthew,
that has nothing todo with a valid subscription or not. Please can you post a screenshot of the data folder (inside your FF folder).

Also, is it possible to weite down, the exact path, what you have set in the FMS Data Manager.

… and last, please a screenshot if you settings page from the FMS Data Manager, where I see the XP12 path.

Thabk you

PS: we are happy when you subscribe again, for sure, but at the moment this will not solve your problem. So wait for that please, till we have fixed it together


Thank you for getting back to me! I appreciate you helping me find the solution to this problem. The path that I have set in the Data Manager is as follows:

This PC\Sims(S:)\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\FlightFactor\Airbus-A320-ULTIMATE-12-extended

I have attached the requested screenshots below. Please let me know if you need more info.


^ Hope this helps! Let me know if you need more info.

thank you very much for your fast answer.

May I asked one more file please:
Can you upload the mapping.index file here? You will find the file under:

You will find the upload-button in the toolbar of this window:

Thank you,

mapping.index (1.1 KB)
mapping.index-bak-20190823093858.index (57 Bytes)

^ Hope this helps! Let me know if need more info.

Hi Matthew,
looks all ok so far thank you … You have wrote, you have no active subscription at the moment - right? I have checked this in our systems and indeed. Therefore, you can´t currently update addons without an active subscription.

What I don´t understand is, you wrote in your initial posting:

Can you upload a screenshot of this please? Because in the one screenshot of the data folder, the nav.db files are the default ones. So it´s completely unclear for me at the moment, why the FMS Data Manager should show you 2305 for the FFA320. It looks, that you have installed/re-installed the FFA320 into XP12 AFTER you have updated the cycle. That would explain why you have current the default cycle in the FF FMC.

The best would really to buy one more cycle and to try it again … according your screenshots, your mappings it should be working.



Correct! I do not currently have a subscription. If at this time you recommend getting a subscription, I can give it a try and update to the latest AIRAC cycle and then try to update the aircraft after updating the FMS data and see if the nav data holds to the latest airac cycle. Here are those two screen shots you requested!


Above are the two screenshots you requested!

Matthew, it should work … I’m sure …



I have purchased a subscription. I updated the NAV data for the A320 and it shows correctly in the Data Manger and in the A320 FMS. Now I will try updating the FF A320 and see if the NAV data in the FMS stays up to date.



I updated the NAV data for the A320 and then updated the aircraft and the data in the FMS went from the updated AIRAC cycle back to default. Not sure what the issue is.


Matthew, can you post a screenshot from the data folder again?

Thank you,

PS: we will solve the issue, for sure