Fenix EFB crash to desktop

When using Navigraph charts on FS2020 Fenix A320 EFB the simulator crash to desktop.
Can fly for hours without problems but as soon as I select Navigraph charts in the EFB it crashes.
Using a clean install of Win11, FS2020 on steam with Navigraph software and Fenix as only addons. Brand new PC with every driver updated with sufficient hardware.
Had the PC checked out by topprofessionals to rule out hardware issues - and except from they uninstalled the GEFORCE Experience and advised me never to use that again, the verdict was - it is not a hardware issue and not a driver issue, it is a software issue - good luck.
Which data do you need to solve this?
Thank you



I have loaded the Charts through the EFB without error so unlikely a Navigraph Charts issue. I suggest reporting this to Fenix.

Also make sure you have the latest FenixSimA320-
