Flight plan import crashes FS2024 to desktop
When importing a flight plan from either SimBrief or Navigraph Charts direct to avionics in-game. FS2024 is crashing to desktop. No error messages are popping up. Unknown way. I have had no issues all day with the in-game EFB and the Navigraph plug-ins.
What actually happened: Flight Sim 2024 crash to desktop
Flight built from KBIL to KDUB in Sim Brief via EFB. FP generated with no issues. Clicked to import FP to aircraft, Crashed to Desktop.
Aircraft: Cessna 172 with G1000
Via SimBrief (EFB Plugin)
Tried importing while standing outside the aircraft and using EFB → Crash to Desktop
Tried importing FP while sitting in aircraft → Crash to Desktop
Via Navigraph Charts (EFB Plugin)
Imported FP from Sim Brief (No issues)
Sent FP to avionics via Navigraph charts “export” → Crash to Desktop
There indeed is a runway 04 on both these airports.
It sounds like you are having an issue with navigation data. Are you using our (beta) navigation data?
There is currently a known issue that affects the ordering of packages in a way where it is not possible for us to control how our navigation data is loaded. This is known to cause at least 2 other issues, and it would not surprise me if it is the culprit here as well. This is 100% out of our control at the moment - it is a simulator bug.
Others have been able to fix this by manually selecting the package order using the developer menu - but it does not seem to persist across simulator restarts… For more details, see this topic:
I have tried loading this flight in my simulator with only the SimBrief EFB plugin and our navigation data installed - and it worked perfectly fine! I find it likely that this is yet another issue caused by the package order!
I changed the package order, and it seems to have remedied the problem for the most part. I am not getting CTDs but have gotten an occasional failure to fully load the flight plan, but I suspect it is on the sim side and not the SimBrief end.
To whom it may concern: We have now released a revised AIRAC package in the Navigraph Hub that contains a temporary workaround that should fix many navigation data-related issues. Please update and give it a go, then let me know how it worked out!