EFRO ILS-Z 21 offset

I noticed as i was on the ILSZ 21 approach into EFRO, the LOC was offset to the left of the runway. I decided to give it a go at EFRO, again landing 21 I found the LOC was offset to the left. Testet and noticed with Fenix a320 and default aboso cessna 152


Any chance you have an addon scenery? If so try disabling the scenery. Does the offset still occur?


I have tried the approach but I can´t reproduce your offset

Here on final with the FBW A320 and AIRAC 2312 installed - stock scenery:

… very short final from the cockpit:

… same position as the cockpit view, but from outside:

The FBW A320 uses the same data a s the C152. The Fenix uses their own database therefore I haven´t used it as reference. So, as Ian mentioned - possible a 3rd party scenery issue somewhere but the data looks correct so far.


The problem lies somewhere within the Fenix A320 and the current Navdata cycle. To add to this comment, as well as the post i created regarding CYYZ and CYUL, it appears if i disable the current Airac for the Fenix through the Navdata center and use stock Asobo data, the LOC appears to fly correctly in the Fenix at all airports. The minute i update the Fenix Airac to its current cycle, i start to have LOC issues all over again. This has been frustrating this past week, as Fenix has done nothing in support for this issue.

… but he wrote he had the same offset with the stock Asobo C152 and this aircraft doesn´t use the Fenix database or any 3rd party databases.

That was the reason why I have also tested this with aircraft which use the MSFS data too, so the same as the Asobo C152 and I can´t reproduce this offset (again at least with the stock data and a stock aircraft).


PS: @lonny068 we (all involved parts in this) are still working to identify (and of course to fix) the issue but to “align” all different parts of the sim is not so easy. Testing is one of the most time-consuming parts in such situations … I can only speak for our self, but we are still working on our side to identify the issue. A college is fully working on it even on the weekend. So please be patience, we do what we can do … thank you!


Test the Fenix A320, not the FBW A320. Users have already confirmed the LOC issue in the Fenix A320.

Again … the Fenix A320 uses a OWN! database and not the MSFS navdata - so it´s a complete independet database.

The FBW A320 uses the in-game navdata, also with the reported Asobo C152 and therefore I have tested this with the FBW A320, but I have now also used the Asobo C152 and it´s the same result, no offset. So, it´s not a general issue with all datasets - possible only with Fenix but not with the MSFS data too.

Thank you,

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