There seems to be a mistake with Rwy 25L/07R at EDDB (the “new” Airport opened October last year. In my JeeHell A320´s ND / MCDU the ILS IBSW 109,50 238 deg and IBSE 109,70 086deg are shown for Rwy 25R, which had formerly had been 25L of old Airport Schönefeld. Maybe still some old data in the database?
AIRAC 2101
OS Win10, Prepar3D v4.5 JeeHell B 54.0.1
Regards Rainer
Hi Rainer,
has you a new EDDB scenery for P3Dv4, where all the runways and ILS idents are included and up to date? I´m not a JeeHell user but I can remember that Jean-Luc told me somedays that you also need to run a database creation tool, which reads data from the sim.
I have checked the JeeHell data and we have the LOC idents, frequencies and courses correct assigned to the new runways. So it must be any issue with P3D and/or a scenery. For more, please ask in the JeeHell forum - I guess, thats more the professionals for that. I can only confirm, that the data are 100% correct.
Hi Richard,
THX for instant reply.
I have the Aerosoft sceneray and I have made a new database in JeeHell (“bins”) with the scenery active. In Little Navmap the ILS`s of the runway in both directions show up correctly. also when I fly there with a Cessna 172 with standard instruments the ILS is shown correctly.
In the JeeHell forum Jean Luc posted “if the database has it wrong, there is nothing I can do …” and some experienced users assumed, it would be an issue of the Navigraph database.
I will post in the JeeHell forum.
Regards Rainer
Hi again Rainer,
here are the lines directly from the JeeHell database AIRAC 2101, you see the values there are correct so far …
Hi Richard,
that really seems to be correct. I read out the positions of the runway´s thresholds from P3Dv4 with Aerosoft Mega Airport Berlin-Brandenburg active, I know, the positions of the ILS´s are not exactly similar to the threshold, as the transmitters cannot stand on the runway, but the data seem to be correct and should not cause the problem:
Threshold 25L 52,358398425 13,52300065 245deg
Threshold 07R 52,345497101 13,468685981 65deg
Threshold 25R 52,377397942 13,525917118 245deg
Threshold 07L 52,367735951 13,48521519 65deg
I think You´re right it is a problem of building JeeHell´s bins, I assume, they take the positions from P3D´s standard database, in which the old airport layout is still active. THX for your help!
Regards Rainer
Thanks for the feedback Rainer … I have marked your last posting as “Solution”. Hope thats ok
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Hi all,
using JeeHell A320 FMGS often problems with displaced ILS or other database related issues are assumed to be caused by the Navigraph database as I did myself first in this thread: EDDB ILS Rwy 25L/07R
With Jean Lucs help (THX a lot for the support!) for my case I could find the real reason, which has definitively nothing to do with the Navigraph database:
Updating A320 FMGS often causes A320FMGS\navdata\FSScenery.cfg to be misconfigured, when more than one simulator is installed. In my case and meanwhile in another case correcting the paths in the file mentioned above solved the problem.
As the thread initiated by me (mentioned above) is closed, I post that solution here for anyone looking for the solution here in the Navigraph forum. Perhaps an Admin can move that to the thread. And once again THX to Richard for his help.
Regards Rainer