Confused about Edinburgh

Hi there

I am only starting to use Navigraph for the first time. I have set up a flight from EGLL to EGPH. I have set up the Origin Panels and Destination. The SID and the STAR have been entered for both airports. However I am seeing a doubling back on the TARTN waypoint. Eveything up until the end of the green line looks ok…

Would anyone know what is causing this please?


You have the approach selected with the TLA transition.

Change this to ILS24 Final Approach

Thank you kindly… I will take a look at this tonight.

Is there any chance you would be so good as to take a screen shot from you Navigraph please?


ATC vectors from TARTN:

Interesting so you have chosen a different Arrivial to what I was using. I was just selecting the first one that Simbreif suggested.

Thank you for the screenshot also.

Interesting so you have chosen a different Arrivial to what I was using.

Yes, although that’s not the important part here. The real difference is, you’re both using the same final approach procedure (ILS RWY 24) but you selected the TLA approach transition whereas he’s using “no transition” (labeled Final in Navigraph Charts).

