Navigraph Appears to have approaches that don't seem to be on the chart


Please forgive me if there is a very obvious reason for this, but I’m a bit new to the IFR flight/sim world in general. I’m looking at the approaches for Dusseldorf (EDDL). I have ILS/LOC chart for runway 05L open, and it appears that Navigraph has some transitions for this approach that aren’t on that chart. For example, for ILS RWY 05L, it lists the ELDAR (ELD05) transtion, which doesn’t appear to follow much on the chart other than the final approach to the runway. Is there another data source that would display more information on these transitions?

RNAV transition chart 10-2D

and welcome here in our forum.

You find the transition in the STAR section - the APP section contains “only” possilbe approach transitions (IAFs RONAD, LEBTI, …) and the final approach. All other STARs and transitions to the approaches are included in the STAR category:

Hope that helps - please ask, when something is unclear - we are here to help :wink:


Thanks, I see the transtion now! I assumed there was a more direct link between the Approaches selection under Procedures, and the App section under Charts. I’ll start checking the STAR charts more closely now!

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