Cannot see "Add to route" button

I’d like to add the OKI6W approach to my flightplan but “Add to route” button is not displayed. Why?

Hello, thanks for the question. We will try to provide you with a resolution. If you look at the top of the route finder, you will see the TINI9W selected. You will need to the delete/remove the current arrival.
If you look at the pic below, I have removed all previously selected arrivals.

Now, we will select DEBRL.TARPN3 arrival and add it to our route.

Let us know how you get on with that. We hope it helps you out.

Adding to Jason’s comment, to clarify: It is in your Flights tab (2nd button on the left side) you set procedures. Now you are in the Airport tab, (3rd button) where the procedures are only shown for reference for any airport, also those not in your flight.



Thanks to both you, I understood how to use it.

Congratulation also for the android app. That’s very very usefull!


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