Highlighting nearby airports?

A little help please. I recall seeing somewhere in the flodd of vids on N8 that there was some way to highlight nearby airports. Is there a b button or process one can use to do that? Thanks

Hi Geoff,

When creating a flight plan in Charts, you will see the Add Alternate button which shows potential “nearby” airports.


Thank you again Ian. Clearly I am adjust getting into this planning thing :-")

I am trying this but I am not getting the display illustrated where the screen is darkened and there are little light halos around the alternate airports What am I missing here?

Are you able to select and Add to route the alternate airport?


yes. they show up on the left column No change to the map display area

In the list above, when you click on an Alternate before you Add to Route, you then have that Airport and it details further down in the left sidebar. You can then Open Airport, Open Charts, or Add to Route


I think I may have been unclear on this Ian What I was asking for is how you turn on the little lhigholight spotlights on some parts of the screen as shown in some of your tutorials

Hi Geoff,

It may be a highlighting effect created when producing the video. If you can, please send a link to the video.


Here is the vid I saw


and here is another one that dips to dark in a number of places as if there should be a light there but there is none

The circle of light around an airport in the video is being created by the video producer - it isn’t a Charts feature.
