Autoroute not working

Last 3 days the Autoroute button is not working.
Autoroute Create pop up is coming, than I read Failed to create a route. Please try again later.
I checked the payments, and that is ok. Also i downloaded the latest version Navigraph, no results. More Simmers has this problem.

Hello! Thanks for the feedback.

Would you say that your issue seems to be related to this topic?

That is, do you only have issues in European FRA airspace?

Kind Regards,

USA and Asia no problem, Innsbruck to Belgrado or to Keflavik gives problems. So I think only European airspace.

The problem is LOWI, Innsbruck, from there are no routes to calculate to other destinations.

That indeed sounds like the same issue as the one in the linked topic!

We are working on a fix for this. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Kind Regards,

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