ALD - Allgau - DME - 117.2 missing

Hello Navigraph Team,
when i install the current or any previous MSFS beta, the ALD - Allgau - DME - 117.2 is lost (instead i see a station with identifier LBL on that frequency).
The ALD - Allgau - DME - 117.2 does correctly exist in stock MSFS.
It is at EDJA airport.
Best Regards,

Hallo Markus,
I´m not sure, how the sim handles DME only navaids but the ALD DME 117.20 is included in our data.

Here a screenshot from LittleNavMap:

The different to the stock data is only, that in the stock data this is a lower navaid and not a terminal navaid (which is correct according the AIP Germany). I know, that terminal waypoints will not be shown on the worldmap, so it could be, that you can´t select it also when it´s defined as a terminal navaid.

I must check this, and yes, we can change this too but honestly, it´s not correct. ALD is a terminal navaid and not a low navaid.

Will make some tests in the next couple of days … thanks for the report.

Thank you very much Richard, for the detailed explanation!
Looking forward to a possible workaround :wink:
Best Regards, Markus