Curently 1 AM here in Seattle. Luckily I downloaded the PDF for my flight between KMEM and ZGGG. It’s a route I enjoy doing and this is my last chance to get a long haul in before school. I likely wont do a flight until next weekend. Hopefully this wont last much longer and this can be fixed this week. Until then, I’ll be over the Pacific in the MD11. Good luck all and I will be checking in on this forum during my flight.
It is my only time this weekend to fly. Can you send me some hours as compensation, please?
Not everybody flies 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Let people express their frustrations lmao
owners of pfpx going “wtf is going on it’s selling like hotcakes”
I just resigned from my airline, jumped in the kingair and doing a VFR flight now. Approaching the clifs of Dover. Very relaxing
By the way, when a website with its services is down, is not this the responsibility of the host of the website?
To clarify it, the previous owner of SImbrief expressed his feeling about using Simbrief alfways for free. That’s Navigraph has accepted that deal. The rest of Navigraph’s services is NOT for free.
Yeah, same here. Bad gateway, error 502 meesage
common fix it, i don’t want to pay my passangers delay fee! @t EBBR
10.86 per month are feeling great!
guys chill, they acknowledged the issue, it hasn’t even been that long, websites like SB aren’t always a quick fix. It does suck but they have always kept up with it
there is a group with the same name of this error
“Maintenance in progress”
fyi anyone. pfpx sux. it will get the job done but simbrief is so much better
Hi guys,
We are still working on it. Should be back up shortly. Very sorry about the downtime.
Please standby.
Maintenance in the weekend, not a good idea😉
It’s working now for me. Check it out
its working now people
Thank you Navigraph for your fix.