Thanks team, website is accessible again
Thanks for being transparent and fixing the issue rather quickly!
Simbrief/Navigraph …amazing. cant live without you. Keep up the good work. x
Hear Bloody Here Sir. Damn well said. Some people moan about Night following Day. They have an issue, they will fix it.
Go Fly free hand if you can’t use Simbrief, plenty of Aircraft in MSFS/Xplane to fly around. Or you could even go do RL things!!
I can’t login. Bad gateway error 502 i don’t have issue any other websit
Same here, problems since almost a week. What is going on and why am I wasting 25% of my monthly fee for a 502?
As mentioned previously in this thread, you are paying exactly $0 for SimBrief.
It’s the weekend, and due to timezones, we won’t be able to start any investigations at the current moment. We’ll look into this ASAP!
We have seen reports of success after switching to a VPN, meaning that it could be ISP-related and completely out of our control. We don’t know for sure yet.
Kind Regards,
We have started our investigations, and the initial finding is that this is caused by the datacenter in which SimBrief is hosted. It is thus out of our control, and not the same issue as the one originally in this thread.
For updates, please see this topic:
Kind Regards,
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