I cannot reach out to the simbrief.com
page doesn’t open and plane cannot connect. So it shows type error when i’m trying to import data
Yeah, same here. Bad gateway, error 502 meesage.
Same here but also the Simbrief downloader had issues this week.
Happy to hear I am not the only one then
Sad to hear I am not the only one. It’s down.
Then let’s see how fast the network support is in Sweden on an early Sunday morning.
Hi all. Wondering if anyone else is suffering from the 502 Bad Gateway error themselves?
Other websites and connection speed checks fine. Have been experiencing the error ongoing for 30 mins.
Gonna make a flightplan without simbrief then, anyone knows how?
You can use https://flightplandatabase.com/ for routes or https://skyvector.com/ to find way points between your SID exit and STAR entry (it shows high and low airways as well as VFR. As for performance you could just deduct the fuel based on distance and PAX. For example ZFW would be 80Kg per passenger plus 20kg for luggage per passenger plus the total weight of the aircraft without fuel and passengers. You can find the weight of the empty aircraft in the aircraft manufacturer’s website. As for the fuel quantity, calculate the aircraft consumption of fuel per Nautical Mile, also available in the manufacturer’s website or on Wikipedia!
With a chart and a pencil! Using a sheet of paper for calculation I named it the old way
502 error message gone “Database error connection, please try again later”.
Seems as if they are working on it
Thanks, the old way sounds okay😂
welcome home, 502 back again.
let´s open the excel sheet and start the planning… but how to file on VATSIM without the simbrief import function? OMG…
Hi guys,
We can confirm and are investigating. Please standby.
Hi all. Wondering if anyone else is suffering from the 502 Bad Gateway error themselves?
Other websites and connection speed checks fine. Have been experiencing the error ongoing for 30 mins.
Yes, same here. 502 - Bad gateway
Incl simbrief downloader cannot connect with simbrief
From Belgium/Europe
Good. It is not only me then… phew!!
Yepp, already reported, see here. Obvioulsy down atm.
Same issue in Germany