ZUNZ Nyingchi Mainling Airport is missing from Navigraph NavData. This airport has a very interesting approach and it is present in MSFS along with third-party freeware NavData and airport scenery (on flightsim.to). However, charts for this airport is not available in Navigraph Charts subscription. It would be great if this airport’s charts were added to Navigraph Charts.
Interesting reading about ZUNZ:
- [Slide 22-32] https://www.icao.int/SAM/Documents/GREPECAS/2008/AIMSG11/AIMSG11_Boeing.pdf
- https://hal-enac.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00937606/file/Macabiau_GPSS2014.pdf
MSFS freeware NavData:
MSFS freeware scenery: