When on ILS glide slope, aircraft is way below charted profile. Check height at VIPES is 1820 and aircraft crossed about 1480’. Correct QNH set and PAPI indicates 3-4 low. Corrupted slope maybe?
and thank you very much for your report. I have tried to reproduce it but I can´t …
AIRAC 2213 rev. 2 - FBW A320 - stock scenery:
You see, ILT/4.0 is the GS exactly at 1820 feet …
Also the PAPI, two white - two red - exactly on the GS (300 feet above):
I have used the FBW because you see more or less the exact position with the exact altitude …
Sorry, I can´t see any issue here on the GS
Hi there,
Thanks for your response. I tried both the default Cessna and the PMDG 737. I will try both FBW and Fenix tomorrow when I get a chance and will report back. A friend has also tested his and appears normal so looks to be an issue at my end.
Thanks Ross, may I ask an additional question:
Do you possible use a 3rd party scenery or the stock one from the MSFS?
I tested on both the default and addon scenery and the result was the same. Must be something else corrupting it.
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