YBHM RNP-P 14 still not showing after AIRAC update?

Hello Navigraph,

I was wondering if the new Australia RNP approaches are included in 2208 rev 1?

YBHM RNP-P 14 is still not showing up in the FSL A320?

Is there any chance of a fix for this?

Previous thread:

Kind regards,

Hi Rudy,
I have looked now into the FSLabs database and the R14-P is included:

Here a short overview of this added procedure:

I can´t really say why this procedure will not be shown in FSLabs (possible due the tailored record type, I don´t know) but fact is, that this procedure is there. We can´t do more as to provide such data … so please report this to FSLabs. Sorry for that


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