XPlane 12 and new update

I just updated SimBrief to the new version and received a message that Xplane 12 would not update.(plugin not updated). I checked the forums and found a procedure to fix it, however, it is still doing the same thing. I deleted and reinstalled, still not updating. Anything else I can try… It does start when I start xplane 12 but on a recent flight it stopped working and framerate dropped under 10 from 40.

Hi Frank,

Maybe you mean Simlink? Maybe for macOS? Please see Simlink not linking with Xplane 12


Thanks for the reply Ian, yes I meant Simlink. Its Windows 10 and it links but wont update. Ive erased the xplane 12 install.txt file restarted, reinstalled but it wont update.


Yes we are working on an update to address this.
