XP12 not synchronizing to charts

maybe my issue is already solved, but I cannot find any hint:
→ my XP12 is not synchronizing to charts.
Which are needed settings and Add-ons ?
BR and thanks for advise.



To clarify, please explain what you mean by “my XP12 is not synchronizing to charts”.

Please note as per Panel for XP there is no Charts In-Game Panel in X-Plane, only in MSFS.


Hello Ian,
sorry, I’ve been a bit unprecise by now …
My issue is that when I use X-Plane (XP12) and open the related flight in Charts, both are not synchronizing … actually I get message that Charts is not connecting although I’m locked-in to my account.
Which log files would you need … and more important to me, which are the recommended setting in XP to link to Charts.
Best regards

Hallo Ian,
I just installed latest version of the tools again … now synchronization between XP and Chart at a flight is working again.
I Have no glue what was wrong before…
You may close this case …
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Best regards

We’re happy to hear that you got it up and running!

When using Simlink with X-Plane, you need to make sure that you install the X-Plane plugins in order for it to work. These are automatically updated when you update Simlink, so this likely is what happened in your case!

You can verify that the plugins are installed in the Plugin status tab inside Simlink.

Kind Regards,

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