I hope these screen shots help - I don’t know how to get sim link to work in the x-plane cockpit as the plane screen takes up the whole window and how do I have the moving maps screen loaded next to the cockpit screen?
I hope these screen shots help - I don’t know how to get sim link to work in the x-plane cockpit as the plane screen takes up the whole window and how do I have the moving maps screen loaded next to the cockpit screen?
Regarding Simlink, I suggest a reset as per Simlink non operational MSFS - #2 by Ian
For X-Plane there is no In-Game Panel, so you run latest Charts Desktop or Charts Cloud , then configure Charts to appear as a Window over or alongside your X-Plane window.
Please tell me where in the charts program I go to tell sim link to run along side my x-plane 11. I see nothing in the settings with that option. Thanks!
As I understand, you have one monitor and want to run X-Plane and Charts on that one monitor.
So you fire up both and either have the Charts window overlay the X-Plane windows or organise the windows to fit on the the same monitor(horizontal, vertical side by side).
You can sometimes drag each of the windows to the left and right of the monitor, then they occupy half the screen each.
You would need to have Windowed Simulator set in X-Plane Graphics settings.
This is not a Charts “option”, but a Windows placement of windows.
Ian - Thank you for sending the picture of the two windows side by side when running X-Plane - I think that is exactly what I need to run Sim Link on my simulator. The older versions of X-Plane 11 have that option you spoke about for setting “Windowed Simulator” and I found it in the graphics setting just as you described. However, when I went to the updated version of X-Plane 11 and in my new version of X-Plane 12, that option doesn’t exist - there is only the option to set for “Full Screen”, Instructor Panel" and something called “2D Panel”. The picture you sent me looks like it came from X-Plane 12 - how did you get the “Windowed Simulator” effect in that picture assuming it came from a more current version of X-Plane? I wrote to X-Plane to ask them but haven’t heard back yet. Thanks! I really want to get this Sim Link to work but it’s been a real battle so far. Thanks for your help. Blair
Hi Blair,
possible I misunderstood you … but when you goto the Settings -> Graphics -> Monitor Configuration -> Main Monitor
in X-Plane 12, you don´t have the choice to select Windowed Simulator
Here a picture from my settings page, using X-Plane 12.0.9-rc-5: