Panel for XP

Is there an in-game panel for XP11? I just saw a post about it but I have only found it for MSFS2020. Is there one for XP11 also? I have the Avitab, but that doesnt give you charts and other great information.

You can use it with Avitab, just toggle Avitab on the plugins and click on providers, link your Navigraph account and you are done.

Hmm. I have nothing labeled “providers” in Avitab. My Avitab is linked to Navigraph. I have IAP charts but no enroute IFR charts like I have in MS2020.


The Navigraph Charts In-Game Panel is only available for MSFS at this time.

There is a moving map in Avitab, but is not the same as the In-Game Panel. You should ask the Avitab developer for such functionality.

See also Navigraph Map - XPlane11 (AVITAB) - Flightpath is it possible?


I see Navigraph developers favoring MSFS. No simlink linux plugin for X-Plane, no Panel, no “congratulations” for XP12 release :wink:

That just isn’t true.

There is no technical possibility that we know of getting the panel into X-plane like in MSFS.

X-Plane 12 is still in beta last time I checked, not officially released.

We have supported X-Plane 12 beta from day 1 with FMS Data and Simlink support.

No Linux support is a different topic. It might come one day with sufficient demand.

Kind regards,



Now that X-plane 12 official release is out, when do you plan to provide Navigraph users with an X-plane version of the Charts In-Game Panel?

Unfortunately, despite the release, this still stands:

It just so happens that MSFS does have the technical possibility to support our app. X-Plane still does not, which means that developing such a panel would require an order of magnitude more effort and time to develop. We also have no way of knowing beforehand what the performance impact would be or if it would even work or not, which makes the investment quite risky. Finally, this would require resources that we simply do not have at the moment.

That said, we would like to do it if it becomes feasible in some way in the future! We’ve even looked into potential workarounds but none have been good enough so far.

Thanks for understanding!

Kind Regards,

Hopefully someday this changes, would be an awesome addition to X-Plane given the subscription pricing.

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