For the last few days I have noticed that Navigraph Charts does not connect to XPlane11. I followed the procedures to download and reinstall the Simlink plugin and it worked… but only when I have the Simlink application running in the background. I do not recall ever seeing this in the past. Has something changed with this plugin which now requires that the App be running in order to work?
That’s what I find mysterious. I have been using NC/Simlink for quite some time now (a year?) and never recall having to launch the app to enable coordination with XPlane. I thought that function was handled by the plugin. In any case I was able to get the link established so I can track my movement on the chart. Also Navigraph and AviTab work well together so all is good.
You are absolutely correct. I had that preference checked and it does start the app when I launch XPlane. And presumably it also provides the link for Navigraph Charts to display the location of the aircraft. So that is new to me. Up until a week or so ago I would see a tiny green airplane icon in the menu bar indicating that XPlane and the Simbrief plugin were linked. And everything worked properly. Now, as you said, launching XPlane also launches the Simbrief app. and the indicator of that appears in the menu bar as a small green airplane plus the two curved lines as seen in the app icon. So this appears to be a different way of accomplishing the same thing. Unless I am just fuzzy headed and never knew how it worked in the first place. Regardless it all seems to be working properly now. And to verify that I just launched nav charts and it immediately showed the Magenta triangle indicating the location of my aircraft. So we’re good. Thanks Ian.