Xp11 default aircraft deosnt recognise a valid Simbref flight plan

I created a flight from KDFW to KSEA using SimBrief and downloaded the FMS file and saved in /Output/FMS plans. When I load the default Laminar B738 FMC and try to load KDFWKSEA01.fms it doesnt recognise the route. I checked and I have the up to date AIRAC
installed and recognised in the FMC. I get a message: “Xplane could not understand or save this flight plan file: \X-Plane 11\Output\FMS Plans”. If I try to enter the destination KSEA manually it tells me “Not in database”. Seattle is not in the database?? What kind of wizardry is this? It loads other FMS plans without any issues.
I tried generating the fp again to no avail. Also tried downloading the same plan for a different aircraft (FFA320) and that fp (corte.in) can be loaded in the MCDU normally. Maybe there’s something wrong with the Nav database in xp11?? I have tried updating it using the Navigraph database but still have the same issue- KSEA is not a recognised destination or departure airport in the FMC in the default B738. Very frustrating

Any idea how to fix this?

Airport data is not part of the database provided/updated by Navigraph. If it doesn’t recognize KSEA as a departure or destination airport, there seems to be some issue with your X-Plane install or something.



Tim (@Rodeo314) is absolutely correct - we don´t offer airports or runways in X-Plane. This information is part of the system itself. Our data includes navigation facilities, airways, waypoints and terminal procedures for airports but no specific airport data or runway data.

So, as Tim wrote, it looks more any issue on your X-Plane installation rather a navdata issue, sorry. Try to repair (or make a re-installation of) your X-Plane installation. That should solve your internal issues with the airports.


PS: thanks Tim! :v:

Ok thanks for this.

I have now reinstalled XP11 from a backup. However it still doesnt recognise KSEA, maybe a complete reinstall of xplane is needed.



Thanks Tim,

yes, but the fp works in a different aircraft (FFA320) in xp11 so it looks as though xp recognises the KSEA airport ins some aircraft.

I’ll play around with it a bit more to see if I can figure out what’s happening.



FF A320 uses a different database, which contains runway data instead of relying on X-Plane for it. Similarly, the FF 757/767 also use a database with runway data built in (albeit a different one than the A320).



Thanks Tim,

I had wondered if that was the case as it loads separately using the Navigraph data manager. The date on the default FP navdata file is older than the one for the FFA320,

Thanks for the advice,



I repaired xplane using the installer.exe. Quite useful as it gave me the option to keep files if I wanted. It updated the navdata and now works fine and recognises KSEA. Thank you

Ian 111

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