X-Plane 12 Navigation Data Update

It is a mess, with auto FMS audate.
I had to uninstall SimPrief and after this to delete, and the x-Plane 12 folder, and re-install X-Plane 12
Then I do not remember from where (I hope to find again for the next AIRAC), I downloaded the AIRAC 2304 manually, and place it in custom data.

It is now Ok and with Zibo 737-800x

SimBrief should make easily accessible a manual Update.


Athanasios Fanariotis
(from a remote Island in Northern Aegean Greece)

Just a note, SimBrief hasn’t and will not be offer any AIRAC update for addons nor for the sim. SimBrief has nothing todo with such updates and it’s also not designed for that.

You can and will update the AIRAC files for the sims and addons via the FMS Data Manager and/or the Navigraph Navdata Center (for MSFS).


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