Windows Location/Size Remembering Ability

Always remembered its location, never its size upon exit and re-opening…
Followed said instructions…
Remembers location - Does not remember resizing…
Thanks for everything. It is just unfixable and not sure the root cause.

Brittany McGuire

I have not made any changes to the functionality, only added more logs. Please follow these instructions as well - that way I can take a look at the result!

Kind Regards,


That log looks normal! You can check it yourself as well, our app reads the file and detects the following:

  "width": 1280,
  "height": 1032,
  "x": 480,
  "y": -1080,
  "isMaximized": false,
  "isFullScreen": false,
  "displayBounds": { "x": 480, "y": -1080, "width": 2560, "height": 1080 }

This seems to align with your expectations. The app then tries to move the window to that location using native Windows APIs, and there are no signs of that failing. Not sure what’s going on, but it seems to be out of our control, unfortunately.

It is a bit interesting that it is saved with a height of 1032 px and not 1080 - are you perhaps showing the taskbar on the bottom of all monitors? That’d explain the slightly lower height.

Long shot, but do you have a laptop or some other Windows computer that you could connect to the same monitor setup and see if the issue persists? That way, we could rule out any third-party software or weird Windows settings.

No other testing. Yes show Taskbar on other monitor… I guess it is unsolvable, makes no sense, and thank you for trying…

Apologies for this inconvenience! I am at a loss, unfortunately. Sorry about this!

Perhaps it is fixed in a windows update, or a random screen reconfiguration at some point (like disconnecting and reconnecting the monitors for example). I hope it does get resolved eventually!

Kind Regards,

This seems to be a recent thread on the topic, I have the same issue, Charts on a second monitor opens in the last location though doesn’t remember the window size.

W11 Home
Primary monitor 3840 x 2160
Secondary Monitor 1920 x 1080

I also run Little Navmap on the same screen and it remembers the location.

Opened and resized

closed and reopened.

@skysail - any further clues on this behaviour?

Trust me they have no clue why the file that is used for sizing does not work upon reloading… I went thru 2 weeks of troubleshooting. Just have to use windows tool to resize both screens and have them split or resize EVERY TIME. Very very very annoying and a paid service on the monthly I am about to cancel for they can’t figure out their own issue they developed in an update in the past. About to use LittleNaviMap which is free and use ChartFox which is also free… 1.5 years of subscription and ask for a fix to get no fix…

I get your frustration, for me it’s a fairly minor annoyance and more of an oddity really. A question for you though, did you ever use Windows Power Toys and Fancy Zones? (link below). I had this and removed it so wonder if there is some hangover from that.

Interesting observation.

You don’t happen to have another machine which did not have that tool installed before? Just wondering if you could compare the behavior with your current machine.



I will do some experimentation if I can persuade my better half to have access to their PC, likely over the weekend.

I haven’t followed the full history of this, I assume that normally this is not an issue when charts are run on a second monitor?


No we cannot reproduce it on any of our development or testing systems and pretty much all of them run a multi monitor setup.


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