Navigraph Opening on "wrong" Monitor

I have a multi-monitor set-up. With v7, it always opened on my secondary monitor at the window size I liked.

v8 always opens on my primary monitor, which is where my sim is, so I have to move it and re-size it EVERY single time.

Is there a fix? I tried the Windows10 short cut (WINDOWS + SHIFT + ENTER) but that didn’t work.



We have a fix for this issue coming.





Please see Version 8.14.0 - #2 by stephen, the latest version should now remember the display setting.



It seems the issue was reintroduced?
I’m on Navigraph Charts Version: 8.26.0 Build: 4957778303 the app does remember the correct monitor not the size and position though?

The app will reset to the primary monitor with the default size & location if the OS reports the window as “out of bounds”. In a recent update, we made it so that the window could be 99% out of bounds and still keep its position, and we have thoroughly tested this on our side without any issues - see this post:

Please let us know what your setup looks like. What resolution are you using? Multiple monitors? Any scale settings?

Kind Regards,

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i tried the apporach with the high dpi setting, lettign the app decide, and it seems to work.
4K + 1080p vertical touchdisplay (Win11 125%). Now even if the window is placed close to the edge it remembers, THANKS for the quick support even though it might not be a fix but a workaround. Discord, VATprism and vPilot remeber it without any tinkering.

You’re welcome! We’ll continue to investigate this issue as soon as we have the resources to do so.
Happy to hear that it works in the meantime!

Kind Regards,

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