It seems the issue was reintroduced?
I’m on Navigraph Charts Version: 8.26.0 Build: 4957778303 the app does remember the correct monitor not the size and position though?
The app will reset to the primary monitor with the default size & location if the OS reports the window as “out of bounds”. In a recent update, we made it so that the window could be 99% out of bounds and still keep its position, and we have thoroughly tested this on our side without any issues - see this post:
Please let us know what your setup looks like. What resolution are you using? Multiple monitors? Any scale settings?
i tried the apporach with the high dpi setting, lettign the app decide, and it seems to work.
4K + 1080p vertical touchdisplay (Win11 125%). Now even if the window is placed close to the edge it remembers, THANKS for the quick support even though it might not be a fix but a workaround. Discord, VATprism and vPilot remeber it without any tinkering.