Well I totally Screwed Up

I bought an external hard drive and moved my Steam folder into it. Now I cannot update any Navigraph data. I tried to re-direct the paths to the new D-drive. Now Navigraph is showing manual updating only and I see no button to click to initiate this. Do I need to move all my library back into the C-drive?


If you are still talking X-Plane, you should be OK to move to another drive.

Make sure you are using latest FMS Data Manager. In Settings , ensure your X-Plane is correct (i.e. where your X-Plane.exe is located).
In Addon Mappings delete any X-Plane and X-Plane addon entries and Save.

Press Scan and these should be detected again. Otherwise you will need to +Add them. I can assist there if needed.

If still an issue, please provide screenshots with paths using Guide to posting Screenshots


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