Pathway for install on Steam MSFS2020


I’ve got MSFS2020 on Steam, which is on my D drive. Can you tell me the correct pathway for the installation?

Hi Brian,

Please make sure you are running latest Navdata Beta version as per Navigraph can not find flight simulator 2020 steam edition


Okay, I have downloaded the latest version.
Can you direct to me to the correct pathway?

Hi Brian,

When you press INSTALL are you receiving an error message? If so please post a screenshot using
Guide to posting Screenshots.


No, but it directs me to the C drive. Shouldn’t it be installed in the D drive in my case?

From what I can determine, the Navigraph data is not reaching the sim.

Hi Brian,

If you are referring to the Install Location screen, that is for the installer only, so leave as prompted. When you run the installer it should find your MSFS location wherever that is.


we have FAQs which should be read by everyone first. One of these FAQs describes the installation of the Navigraph Installer from scratch.

The other FAQ is also important and describe how do you update the AIRAC cycle monthly, after you have installed the Navigraph Installer.

Read both please. Both has screenshots and step-by-step instructions for new installations and updates.

Thank you


Thank you–I did read the FAQ before posting this. In the instructions, it shows the pathway for a sim that has been installed on (presumably) the C drive. Mine is on the D drive.

Looking at the pathway as shown in your FAQ, it ends in a folder MSFSClient. Does the installer create that folder or do I need to create it? Is it enough to put the folder (pathway) simply on the D drive? If so, when I tried that, the installation did not take.

The pathway for my sim is; This PC>DATA (D:)>Steam FS2020

I would very much appreciate the correct pathway to place Navigraph.

Under #4:
You can install the Navigraph-Installer somewhere OUTSIDE of your sim folder. The folder which you choose will be created automatically. Important is only, that you select/enter a path NOT somewhere in your sim folder.

So, you can install it on C, D or whereever but NOT in D:\Steam, which seems is your sim folder (according your notes).

Hope that helps now … Simple install it somewhere on your system.


Okay, when I direct the installation path to the D drive, it wants to know what folder to place it in. If I select ‘create a new folder’, it does so, but then hangs at this point;

You need full user rights for this folder. It looks, that you don’t have all. Add your current account into the administration group and you should be fine.

Create the folder via explorer manually and choose the path of this created folder in the setup. Possible that works for you.


Sorry, I’m not clear how I ‘add my account to the administration group’. Is that somewhere on your website?
Or do you mean right-click the exe file and run it as Administrator? If so, I did that and it still hangs up.

Question: can the sim access the chart information if Navigraph is installed on a separate drive (like my C drive)?

No, that has nothing todo with us and/or our website, this must be done in your installed windows - this is a basic windows task, which you can do.

Have you tested my suggestion, to create the folder manually and then to point the installer to this folder?

The charts are completely independent from the sim and can also installed elsewhere.


Yes, I have created a folder myself, “Navigraph”, and tried installing it in the C drive, D drive, and the Community folder, none of which has resulted in a successful installation. I’ve tried installing it with Admin rights (if that is what you were referring to–you still haven’t made that clear) also, with negative results.

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled as per the directions elsewhere here without achieving success.

Although I was a dedicated Navigraph customer for years with FSX, I am getting frustrated with the difficulty required to install this product.

Is the the product incompatible with the Steam version? If the sim is installed on a different drive than the C drive, is there no way to make it work?


Sorry to see, it should not be this complicated. Let’s try to get you going.

Please follow all steps in this instruction (but replace app name with Navigraph 1.0.0): FAQ - Charts desktop installer fails immediately

Then install it again, leaving the default path in the installer as default.

How does that work?



Hello Stephen,

Okay, so I uninstalled exactly as per the link. I then restarted my PC and ran the installer, again, using the link in your post (which is the default installer path. The only difference was that on my installation, the end folder said ‘Navigraph’, not ‘Navigraph Charts’).

The last step was when I was prompted to sign in (which I did) and this screen came up;

I assumed this means it was installed successfully.
However, when I start the sim, I create a flight to KAVX and check to see if the VOR approaches are listed. They aren’t, so I assume the installation did not take.


That looks correct.

You could press the red Remove button, and then Install, just to be on the safe side, that action performs the data installation again.

Then, check this FAQ which will help you verify that the data is correctly installed: FAQ - Is the Beta Update Installed?

Can you confirm?



Hello Stephen,

The only step I had not taken was to press the ‘remove’ button. However, after having done that, I restarted the sim, and checked the three methods of confirmation as per your link—all indicated negative.

Did you press Install after Remove?

Yes, and I watched the process as it did the installation.