Weather malfunctioning after the last update

I’m here to publish yet another error found after the last weaher update.
I’ll describe it to you: basically, the app crashes when you press the “play” button in the Weather filter (see attached video)
2024-06-18 15-40-07.mkv (2.5 MB)

I’m also in the same vote. When I click the weather option, and choose radar or turbulence, navigraph seems to freeze up

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Why is weather not working has anyone figured it out

Hello everyone! We’re sorry about the late response, this topic unfortunately went under our radar.

We kindly ask you to reference this other topic instead, to keep the issue in one place. Please follow the instructions in the linked post:

Apologies for the inconvenience! We have so far not been able to reproduce the issue ourselves, but it is obvious that something isn’t quite right…

Kind Regards,