Weather feature in charts

Based on your logs and this post, your issue is slightly different from OPs in that you can’t even bring up the weather feature at all without a crash. The original description mentions a crash when pressing the play button.

I cannot reproduce this issue on any platform either, and our logs end abruptly as soon as you press the weather button. What happens at that moment? Do you get a “This app is not responding” message from Windows or something? If that is the case, then this is starting to sound GPU-related. Maybe a specific driver?

@Sok555 and @Sok555

I’d be interested in three things:

  • Your GPU driver version

  • Windows crash logs (if the desktop app stops responding and crashes)

  • Does the web application ( still work as expected regarding the weather feature?

Let me know if you need help with any of these! I think it is common for flight simmers to keep track of the GPU driver version and look for reasons for simulator CTDs using the event viewer, but if you don’t feel comfortable doing that, I’m happy to help!

Sorry for the inconvenience! We can’t reproduce this, and honestly it does sound like it is beyond our control. But let’s investigate further regardless!

Kind Regards,