VR Charts show/hide Hotkey+Joy button

As a VR user, I would like to be able to hide and show the Navigraph’s VR charts using a customizable hotkey combination and/or a user defined controller button.


Well, I know my feature suggestion was not the most elaborated in the world and I didn’t wrap it in superfluous language, but after ten days at least I was expecting some kind of acknowledgment from the team.

Even to say “we don’t like it”.

But I don’t even know if they read it.

I really think it would help VR users with their cockpit management.

Best regards

Hello Javier! Welcome to the forum.

You’re right, ten days is a long time to receive a response. Your post somehow went unnoticed, our apologies.

As mentioned in this post from July Keyboard Shortcut to show/hide Charts window? - #2 by skysail, there is no official way to do this, not even for the built-in panels as far as I am aware. We have included a keyboard shortcut ( Ctrl + N ) since v0.6 using unofficial workarounds, but to my knowledge there is no way to bind the event to a joystick button.

Sorry for the inconvenience! If you believe that there is a way that we have not been made aware of yet, please let me know and I’ll look into it.

Kind Regards,

I’m sorry for asking something that was already in the forums. I searched then, but apparently not good enough. And thanks for your reply.

A customizable native dx button or key combo would be nice, but I will try this workaround.

I can easily map that combo to my joystick.

I am aware that the there is an addon called FSkneeboard that has at least three different pre-programmed key combos and one can be chosen via Command Line Argument. I ignore if they are using the same workaround that you are using.

Thanks again for the reply and for your nice tool.

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While we do not have a CLI or other way of doing this “officially”, you could have a look at this post for a method that should at least work, even if it might be convoluted. It will allow you to change the key but not the modifier, which will remain as Ctrl.

Let me know if you need any additional help!

Kind Regards,