VOR 6 approach to KMJX missing in XP11

Hi. I just subscribed to NAvdata. I’m using xplane 11. Trying to load the VOR 6 approach to KMJX and is not showing up. I used the FMS data manager for the installation and it didn’t work so i tried the manual method, also to no avail. The approach does appear in ForeFlight.

I have tried to reproduce it but I can select the VOR approach for 06 into KMJX as expected:

Here from the default B737 FMC, AIRAC 2203 for XP11 installed:



Are you sure, that you have installed the AIRAC correctly? When you open the status page in your FMC, to confirm that you see the correct dates (like from my first screenshot)?

I assume any issue on your system, because as you see the approach is included and select able.

Hi Richard.
Thanks for the prompt response.
I usually fly the cessna g1000
The G1000 has the VOR 24 approach but not the 6.

Hi again,
should make not difference because the G1000 uses also the XP11 default AIRAC data (as the B737 from my test before). But I have tried it in the G1000 also, and here too, VOR 06 is included (it´s not sorted, you must scroll down to the last entry)



Hi Richard,
I just opened the 737 aircraft and the database reads out of date.
I need help installing the correct database as I have tried two separate ways to no avail.
Thank you,

Alright, and you also don´t see the VDM06 in the 737? Correct?

Can you check following please:

  • Open the file-explorer and goto into <XP11-root>\Custom Data folder … here you have a file called cycle_info.txt. It´s a simple text-file open it and check, if the AIRAC version number is really 2203 …

  • second, when you have done this, check the dates in the CIFP folder please - do you have the same:

  • and last, when both points above are ok, please upload screenshot from your FMS Data Manager - the setting-view page please, that we can check the XP11-root path

Thank you,

Sorry, but this is not readable - can you upload it again per screen/window please …

Thank you,

Thanks - looks good so far, but one additional question …

You start X-Plane 11 from this path C:\Users\Jose\Desktop\X-Plane 11 … means this path looks like:

… and you don´t have any second copy of X-Plane 11 on your machine somewhere?


No other Xplane installation

… and you have the same structure/files in your folder C:\Users\Jose\Desktop\X-Plane 11 as from my screenshot? Right?

So with other words - when you double click onto the X-Plane.exe file in your folder C:\Users\Jose\Desktop\X-Plane 11 to start X-Plane via this way … you don´t see the VOR 06 approach …


Same path as in your question.

I have attached an image of the path and the approaches for the airport KMJX
I shut down the system and rebooted.

Thanks … one more question, sorry but it´s a little strange all look good - so it´s currently unclear for me why you can´t select this …

Do you use the default G1000 from X-Plane or any other 3rd party addon? I ask because you have “Garmin” in the title of your screenshot … and the screenshot general looks differ to the X-Plane G1000 … also, we have an ILS06 and no LOC06, not an issue but a difference … also the order …

Can you try to look, if you can select it in the default B737 please?


The G1000 and B737 images

Please can you go into following folder (simple open the file-explorer and copy&paste this into the folder line):


When you scroll down you will find a file called x-plane_install_11.txt … please can you upload this file here please (or at least the content of this file). Also the log.txt file from your <XP11-root>-folder.

Thank you,

x-plane_install_11.txt (35 Bytes)
Log.txt (92.8 KB)

Hm, it´s extremely strange because I have no idea from where the data come from …

The default AIRAC cycle (which is included in the X-Plane setup = without any update from our side) is 1801 and here, you also have the VOR06 approach … so this is not a navdata issue. It´s something on your system.

Can you remove/delete following two folders:

  1. C:\Users\Jose\Desktop\X-Plane 11\Custom Data

  2. C:\Users\Jose\Desktop\X-Plane 11\Resources\default data

After that, start the X-Plane 11 Installer.exe and press the “Update X-Plane” button. After that both folder should be re-created. Start the sim and try it again please


Hi Richard,
You are the best.
It’s working fine now.
Thank you

1 Like

Great Jose thank you very much for this positive feedback …

Be aware:
Please run the FMS Data Manager again and install the latest AIRAC cycle for XP11 (when you don´t have done it). The reason is, because when you don´t do it, you´re using the default AIRAC cycle 1801 which is quite old :wink:

But you can be sure, that this is working after the update too … :slight_smile:

Happy flying and thanks for your patience and your perfect cooperation …