Missing VOR approach at KMTN

I am a newbie with X-Plane 12, but am an instrument rated pilot. I was trying to fly a complex VOR approach into KMTN (Martin State) but the approach wasn’t in the data that came with XP 12 so I subscribed to Navigraph. I got the FMS Data Manager and it found my XP12 files and updated them. The G1000 no longer warns that the navdata is out of date.

But, I still can’t find the VOR approach. I have the latest Flitecharts cycle 2305 on Garmin Pilot and AIRAC cycle 2305 in XP12. Garmin has the VOR OR TACAN RWY 15 approach but the XP12 G1000 does not.

I’ll attach a screenshot of the G1000 in “Select Approach” mode.

Op System: MacOS Venture 13.1
FS Version: X-Plane 12
Add-on: SimSolutions DA40
AIRAC Update No: 2305
Problem Details: missing VOR RWY 15 Approach at airport KMTN,(http://www.somewebsite.com).)
Any non-standard hardware or software: None. Logitech joystick.

thanks for the report - I can confirm, that the VOR/TACAN 15 approach is missing in the data but it looks like, that this procedure can´t be coded for some reasons because we have this procedure (DME Arc) in our charts.

To verify it and to get a more professional answer, we will ask our supplier for this. Thanks again and please give us a little bit of time …

Have a nice sunday,

PS: I will let open this topic, till we have received the answer … :wink:

Thanks for your quick reply. This not a big problem for me.

I was trying to fly this approach because it was mentioned in an article on challenging approaches on the Redbird Flight Simulation website. It has DME arcs on both the approach and the missed.

FWIW, the real Garmin G1000 in our DA40 is also missing that approach.
I flew the approach once in real life (in VFR conditions, out of curiosity) and had to hand-fly the ARC because the G1000 didn’t offer the approach for selection. It is certainly a challenge, and I wouldn’t want to do it in actual low-visibility conditions, at least not when single-pilot IFR.

The FAA database (CIFP) doesn’t contain the approach either.

As to why it’s coded nowhere, I have no idea.

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Thanks Philipp, I will check if we have received any answer frim our data provider. Possible, I have overseen it … Will check :+1:



the final has an arc based on VORTAC BAL. Some processors exclude AF-Legs on final or do not support it because the DME portion is based on a TACAN.

Regards Jan-Paul

Hi Philipp,
hi guys,
found the answer our provider … sorry, I have forgotten to forward you it.

Jan-Paul (@jpschuchna) is absolutely correct here. Jeppesen doesn’t code legs with TACAN DMEs - thats the reason why the procedure is excluded in the data but not in the charts.

Thanks also Jan-Paul for this insider information :slight_smile:


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