VHHX double runways with SU11

Richard - just to confirm - Navigraph isn’t holding onto data for Kai Tak right? It would be the same story as Meigs. I’m trying to deconflict someone seeing duplicated runways at that location, and they claimed Navigraph had a solution. I’m trying to make sure people aren’t saying it’s a Navigraph problem and want to clear the air for you guys beforehand.

Hi Amando,
thank you very much for your help. The answer is yes and no. Yes, we have offered VHHX since day one of the sim, therefore it’s “our” runway that you see because with SU11, ASOBO has decided also to add this old/outdated airport.

But it’s correct, I have a solution and I’m currently working on a second revision for 2111, which will solve this double runway issue without losing other things like the terminal procedures. Revision 2 is expect for tomorrow, if all our last tests are successful.

Amando, feel free to forward this answer or at least that I’m working on a new revision which should be released tomorrow (Monday) during the day.

Thank you

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Thanks! I was thinking it wasn’t Navigraph because VHHX doesn’t show up in the Charts 8 search. Ok - will pass this along. Thanks!

But to confirm, you have no Meigs data, so no conflicts there?

Hi again Amando,
therefore the yes and no :wink: … VHHX is excluded in the charts (was in v7 too, so have nothing todo with v8) due the Worldmap layer. I don’t know if we can add this airport in the future.

But thats the reason why it’s in the data and not on the charts.

To your second question:
Yes Meigs is really not in our data. Not in data, not in the charts. We simple don’t have any data for this airport and therefore we can’t offer it.
So confirmed! :sunglasses:

Cheers & thank you

Revision 2 is out now - one fix in this revision is the “VHHX double runway” one …

AIRAC 2211 revision 2:


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