VFR Navlog

I would like to share with you an idea to implement since Navigraph now gives you the possibility of planning VFR flights.

I would like to have the possibility of having the Navlog at the end of the planning

even the possibility of drawing on the flight maps for notes


With all the VFR possibilites now available it is a bit of a shame that a navlog function, like on Skyvector, not is implemented.

A Navlog would be great indeed, thanks for creating a topic! Feel free to vote for it yourself @Deltaflight84 .

Please stick to one feature request per topic! I have edited the title. In this case, your request seems to be covered by this already existing topic:

Feel free to add more details to that topic if you want to!

Kind Regards,

Adding my vote, a navlog is for me the last hurdle from making Charts my only planning tool for VFR piston/turboprop flying in the sim, and also for a good portion of IFR flying. Currently I still supplement it with SkyDemon and/or Skyvector, but a all-in-one with Charts would be great.

Wouldn’t even have to be too complex for my use; track true and mag, distance, level (selectable), average leg wind, leg time based on distance/TAS, and hey presto! Stuff like automatic wind correction angle/heading and GS calculation would just be a bonus, I’d be more than happy with some simple arithmetic.


VFR Planning - Altitudes - Wishlist - Navigraph