Updating MSFS

I subscribe to Navigraph to keep the AIRAC cycles updated in Little Nav Map and Simbrief. Unfortunately, MSFS is now 3 cycles behind. Is there a way to input the latest AIRAC into MSFS? Thanks.

install the Navigraph Navdata Center, login and install the AIRAC cycle. With this app, you can update the MSFS stock data and all MSFS aircraft addons which are currently release (like PMDG, Maddog, CRJ, Fenix, …).

You find the download link for the Navigraph Navdata Center on our homepage on your account page - here

Hope that helps

I have the FMS Data Manager. Is that different from the Navigraph Navdata Center?

Yes, according our description on the homepage:

The FMS Data Manager is for all sim addons excluding MSFS, means FS9, FSX, P3D and all XP versions.

The Navigraph Navdata Center is for the MSFS and all his addons only.

Hope that helps

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