Unable to install Simlink plugins

Good evening, for days now I have had problems with logging in to simbrief.

Hi ,

Please post details of what you have tried logging in to SimBrief and the results.

Please include screenshots of any error messages using Guide to posting Screenshots


Captura de pantalla 2023-10-08 160014
Captura de pantalla 2023-10-08 163534
Captura de pantalla 2023-10-08 160014

team how is the resolution of my problem going

Hi @Villa ,

Thank you for sending us a screenshot of this issue. From the screenshot, it looks like the Simlink installer did not get administrator rights to access the simulator-installed path location.

Can you please run the Simlink installer with Admin right and check if you get any error messages to not?

Please let us know if you still have the issue.

Kind Regards,

Vishal Ahir

As you can see nothing happens

HI @Villa ,

Please reinstall the Simlink Plugins by clicking on the “Uninstall Simlink” → “Install Simlink” button.
Make sure you Sign In with your Navigraph user into Simlink.

Kind Regards,

Vishal Ahir

I’ve already done that and it hasn’t worked. I also unsubscribed the simulator and reinstalled it and the problem continues.

Hi @Villa ,

Please check following points,

  1. When you reinstall the Simlink PlugIns, make sure youe flight simlator is not running.

  2. For SignIn into Simlink application, please click on Sign In button on Simlink Login window, it will open the browser with Navigraph Login page. After successful login into the browser, it will ask for open the Simlink Application. Please allow to open the Simlink application.

Please let us know if you still has a issue.

Kind Regards,

Vishal Ahir

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