Two digits Fuel Factor entry


Please pardon me if this has been discussed before, my search didn’t return anything. I was wondering if there was any chance to be able to have a free format or two-digits entry field(like real OFPs) for the fuel factor for more accuracy.


Hello thanks for posting. It really depends on the carriers OFP format. We are sure they are out there, do you have an example of a real OFP you can share here?


I do, however, I might only be able to share the specific part here, not all the sections due to the company policies,


Perhaps this will be added at some point, but no ETA at this time.

Best regards,

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All of our aircraft at work (major US 121 all-cargo), our tail-specific bias is down to a tenth of a decimal point, and all of our FMS’s permit the entry of tail-specific bias down to a decimal place.

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