Hello, for a few days, I have noticed an instability of the image which is becoming cloudy (it goes from the clear image to a blurry image and it keeps coming back!
What can I do ?
Bonjour, depuis quelques jour, je constate une instabilité de l’image qui se trouble (ça passe de l’image nette vers une image trouble et ça reviens sans cesse !
Que puis je faire ?
what do you mean with image? From which addon do you speak here? Please can you post a screenshot of your issue?
Here the details how you can post a screenshot:
Thank you very much,
All right - I have moved your issue now to the correct category - because it seems a chart issue rather a MSFS issue. Possible @maltehall can help you here …
Thank you,
I only have this problem with Navigraph, and only for a few days?
Hello! Have you by any chance played around with some settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel recently?
Perhaps this topic could be of interest: Text blurred in Charts 8 - #36 by stephen
Kind Regards,
This blurryness is not something that we have added, nor something that we control. Our application does have a quite advanced map, which means that it is more likely to be affected by your GPU drivers and/or settings.
Did you click through all the way to the post on NVIDIA forums? Or do you perhaps not have an NVIDIA GPU? Here is the direct link, containing instructions on how to potentially fix the issue:
Kind Regards,
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