Transfer/move ''in game panel'' to android tablet

I want to have the charts on an android tablet and I wonder how to install.

If I install Navigraph and SimBrief on the same computer as MSFS2020, can I then transfer or move the In Game Panel after opening it, from the main screen and to a android tablet which is connected to the computer graphic card with HDMI cabel? The android tablet is connected so it behaves like an extra screen.

Or shall I install Navigraph and SimBrief on the tablet and then use common WiFi connection?

The Charts In-Game-Panel provides Charts within MSFS, so that simmers can read charts without leaving MSFS. It basically provides Navigraph Charts Cloud in MSFS.

To show Charts on the tablet you could run Charts Android or Charts Cloud from within a browser.


I have now installed Charts-in-Game-Panel on the computer and Charts Android in the tablet. Only connection via WiFi. Works fine! Thanks for help.

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You are welcome. Glad it is all working.


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