Instal android tablet in FS2020

Hi, want to purchase Navigraph, but ask if I can use a new android tablet connected with cable (not WiFi) to the PC where FS2020 is installed. Shall it be connected to USB or screen card with HDMI? Can I see charts both in the MFD panel in G1000 and on the android tablet? Is it any special way of installing Navigraph in this case?



The Charts Android app connects to our servers and downloads charts you select. If you run Simlink on your MSFS machine, you will also send your coordinates to our servers which can place an icon on map where you are located. This is called Moving Map and communications are done over the internet.

The physical connection you have between the Android and the MSFS machine shouldn’t be an issue as long as the Android has internet connection.

I suggest you take a Monthly Ultimate subscription to test it out.


Anyone tried this?