Good day folks, I am having a real struggle to resolve this, I have read pages and pages of slightly off issue posts and comments-and still I am stumped and would be really grateful for some help.
When in-game with MSFS, whenever I press CTRL on my keyboard (This should toggle the app taskbar only) MSFS opens both the task bar AND Navigraph charts app ! It’s driving me nuts and when landing, the large charts window appears.
what I have done ::
Systematically been through in the control panel MSFS and checked ALL the bindings for CTRL, removed them one at a time and tested to see if this resolves the matter. I have looked at the binding for CTRL + N binding (This open charts fine)
BUT for some reason it appears that Charts opens on the input CTRL
This has been the case for some time and I have tried everything to remove the “invisible” binding of Charts with the CTRL key.
What do you mean by this? When I am running the simulator (be it in windowed or fullscreen mode) and I press Ctrl, nothing happens at all. Do you mean the Windows taskbar? Or the MSFS toolbar?
This is the only shortcut we have. The in-game panel should not trigger from a modifier button (Ctrl) alone. The N key needs to be pressed as well
So, if I understand you correctly, Ctrl triggers the MSFS toolbar? And it also magically opens the Charts in-game panel?
Can you reproduce this directly after starting your first flight, before opening the charts panel? Our shortcut (which you already mentioned) does not work at all unless the panel is opened once and then closed again with that same shortcut.
Have you tried reinstalling the simulator and/or the panel?
Sorry for the inconvenience, I can imagine that it must be frustrating!
In game in any aircraft - pressing ctrl both opens the navigator charts app window AND toggles the MSFS taskbar.
I will try to video- I have re-installed both MSFS and a few add on aircraft and the same happens.
The problem is that when I reset the pilot view (ctrl+space) which one does at critical moments such as landing if I am not 100% perfect timing, the keyboard gets the ctrl input and up pops the charts app (takes time to full render before I can close it) and that’s all annoying.
What I really need to do is disable ALL keyboard hotkeys/bindings that open charts. It’s sufficient to use the MSFS taskbar to open the app when needed….
No bindings appear in the game controller editor for NG Charts unfortunately - so I can’t work out how to do this.
Has this never been reported before ? What is the MSFS function that is bound to open the app ? For example “propellor mix” etc. ?
That is peculiar. My next best guess would be that it is system-related, unfortunately
Did you try to never open the in-game panel at all during flight and then try pressing ctrl? As mentioned, our keybinds only work if you first open the charts panel and then close it with the keybind and not the “X” button. The keybind also requires the combination of Ctrl and N by default, so it should not trigger for you either way…
This has never been reported before, no! You’re the first to have this issue, unfortunately.
We can’t add custom keybindings (that appear in the settings) from the context of an in-game panel. That’s why we need the “hack” mentioned above! You can, however, configure the keyboard shortcut manually by editing this file: