Time resets when selecting Simbrief app

When using the new Simbrief app, if you set the time to your local time, it will reset to your local time as well.


I notice if I change the sim time to something other than the live current time, when I open the SimBrief in game panel, the sim time is instantly adjusted to the current time. It would be nice, if SimBrief could just use the current time set in the sim for creating a flight plan.

Congratulations on the new in-game SimBrief integration. It’s fantastic.


This is a very strange issue. I am unable to reproduce this, and regardless we have zero code that would affect the simulator’s time.

Could you please provide a video from when the simulator first opens, with the steps you take along the way to get this to happen?


An update on this, I was able to reproduce this and have fixed it for the next release. We are hoping to release it later today



Latest update fixed this issue on my end.

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