hi all now forgive me here I’m no pilot so somethings may go over my head.
i just cant get simbrief to work in my msfs 2020. i can setup flight plan hit generate all good i then go to game load up pick my airport load in and open tablet on the left of the aircraft and hit import flight plan and this is were it goes up creek.
i can see in the centre console CDU the flight plan has loaded in and has populated all it needs to. i can see my departure my route and then my arrival in the CDU but nothing shows up in the NAV SCREEN. its just blank with the error msg gps lost… on the tablet on left it says simbrief in orange connecting.
the PFD is completely blank too shows no speed no altitude nothing

IM lost i have no idea if its something im doing in my flight plan or in the sim its self any help would be great thanks in advance. john
It seems you’re setting up the FlyByWire A32NX, and the GPS PRIMARY LOST
message you’re encountering is likely because you forgot to align your Air Data Inertial Reference System (ADIRS), located in the top-left of the overhead panel.

The Air Data Inertial Reference System (ADIRS) computes the aircraft’s position, speed, altitude, attitude, and air data for the displays, flight management guidance system, flight controls, engine controls, and other systems.
To correctly set up the ADIRS, turn the IR mode selector to NAV in the order of 1, 2, then 3. It typically takes around 4-8 minutes to fully align, ensuring the aircraft is stationary. Once alignment is complete, you’ll see a GPS PRIMARY
message on the navigation display and MCDU, indicating that the GPS system has initialized and is working.
For additional information, I recommend referring to the FlyByWire A32NX beginner’s guide:
Hope this helps.
thanks guys that was the issue lol however i have one more if you can help me out with save me making a new post
when planning my route its all ok and everything is in ok but i just cant get all my way points to turn green meaning every time i take off as soon as i hit this waypoint it kills my flight plan and turns on heading an i just b line were ever I’m pointing please see my example in pic

no matter what i try there’s always 1 that wont turn green…
it’s a conditional waypoint, when you mean the “700” line. Conditional waypoints can’t be directly selected, they are part of a sequence, and therefore such waypoints are leaving white.
yeah the 700 is the example but as i mentioned when in the air as soon as i cross the threshold for that waypoint it stops my flight plan then im literally along for the ride